In this episode, Xan reviews a period piece manga adaptation that involves alchemy, immortals and gangsters. Was it awesome? Well sit back and find out as he reviews the 2nd manga adaptation of Ryohgo Narita's adventure light novel series Baccano! with art by Katsumi Enami and Shinta Fujimoto. As he goes over the intricate plot of this adaptation, he also goes over the basic overview of this 1930s world, the definition of what a Cammora is and he geeks out over the crazy nature of this story. Have a safe Fourth of July Weekend. Remember to Like, Share and Subscribe. Follow us @spiraken on Twitter and @spiraken on Instagram, subscribe to this podcast and our YouTube channel, Support our Patreon and if you would kindly, please go to and give us a great rating on Apple Podcasts. Also join our discord and  Thank you and hope you enjoy this episode. #spiraken #mangareview #wheelofmanga #seinenmanga #baccanomanga #ryohgonarita #yenpress #enamikatsumi #fujimotoshinta #scifimanga #issacandmiria #baccanoanime #podcasthq #manga #spirakenreviewpodcast  Music Used in This Episode:  Closing Theme- Guns & Roses by Paradise Lunch (Baccano! OST) WHERE TO FIND US Our Instagram Our Email Xan's Email Our Patron or Our Discord Our Twitter Our Youtube Channel Our Twitch  Our Amazon Store Random Question of the Day: Have you read the Baccano! light novel series or watched the anime?

Spiraken Review Podcast