SEAN: Manga is here for you whether it’s far too warm for January or far too cold. ASH: Far too warm and rainy here, at the moment. SEAN: No print releases for Airship, but we do get an early digital debut, and it’s a spinoff! I’m in Love with the Villainess: She’s so Cheeky for a Commoner (Watashi no Oshi wa Akuyaku Reijō: Heimin no Kuse ni Namaikina!) retells the events of the main novel series from Claire’s point of view. I can’t wait to dig back into this world. ASH: Oh! Very nice. (This also serves a reminder that I need to finish reading the main series.) MICHELLE: So do I. I did enjoy the volume I read. SEAN: Another debut for Denpa Books. Under Ninja is a Young...

Manga Bookshelf