SEAN: February still exists, despite all our best efforts. What manga is there next week? ASH: It still does, doesn’t it? SEAN: We start off with Airship, which has early digital editions for The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter 6 and The Strange Adventure of a Broke Mercenary 4. Ghost Ship debuts 2.5 Dimensional Seduction (2.5 Jigen no Yuuwaku), which runs in Shonen Jump +. The manga club president is only into fictional girls. But wait… what if real-life girls cosplay AS fictional girls? This comes with a recommendation from the creator of One Piece, well known for his realistic body designs on women. ASH: With the right creator that could be a cute premise. SEAN: Ghost Ship also has Peter Grill and the Philosopher’s Time 7 and SUPER...

Manga Bookshelf