KATE: If you’d told me five years ago that VIZ would be re-issuing Taiyo Matsumoto’s No. 5, I’d have chuckled and thought, “Boy, is this person naïve! VIZ couldn’t *give* copies of this series away back in 2001! It’s weird! It’s surreal! American readers aren’t ready for it!” I’m happy to say that I’m wrong, and that VIZ is about to release a gorgeous new edition of No. 5 that will give everyone a chance to luxuriate in Matsumoto’s spooky, slithery, beautiful artwork again. If you liked Tekkonkinkreet or Ping Pong, call your local comic shop NOW and ask them to pull a copy of No. 5 for you. ANNA: I agree, No. 5 is the clear pick of the week for me as well. MICHELLE: Now that I’ve gotten...

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