The newest Story of Seasons game, Pioneers of Oliver Town, will include same-gender marriage mechanics. Players will be able to romance the game’s characters regardless of their avatar’s gender. This is the second Story of Seasons game to include queer romance.The official Japanese website for the game says that weddings between same-sex characters will be called “Best Friend Ceremonies” in Japanese as they were in the previous game, Friends of Mineral Town. The English version will likely refer to partners in romantic terms and label the ceremony as marriage, as was the case in Mineral Town.There are five bachelors and bachelorettes to romance, for a total of 10 romance options. It is possible to be partners with the same-sex with a ‘best friend ceremonyStory of Seasons: Pioneers of Oliver Town will be available on Nintendo Switch on March 23.*Edit - Changed language to clarify that the “Best Friend Ceremonies” are only in the Japanese edition

The Holy Mother of Yuri