Star Trekkin' across the universe... It’s taken a few movies this year to get to it, but we finally got it. A _really _good geek film. Perhaps you’ve heard of it? It’s called Star Trek , and it’s the topic of this week’s episode of the OSMcast! Promo: Black Flower Music! We met this wonderful individual at the podcast panel at MTAC this year, as he was the guy running the panel. It turns out his podcast also went to the OSM School of Fine Podcasting, in that his subject matter (like rock and roll) is not held back by gender or nationalities. Or you know, once specific genre of media. Check them out! OSMnotes It’s out in theaters so if somehow you haven’t seen it yet go do so! The podcast will still be here when you get back. But speaking of geek films, we have a contest about something that wasn’t so hot: Send us an email at and tell us what you thought about the new Dragonball Evolution live action film. Perhaps you liked it! Or mayhap you hated it with a passion of a thousand suns. It could even be you are somewhere in between. Hell it can even be about the PSP game. No matter what the opnion is, we want to hear about it. To sweeten the pot, we are giving away two Dragonball Evolutionn posters. One is for our faveorite email, and the second will be an email picked at random. Once you get said poster, do with it whatever you desire. Put it on your ball, or burn it in effegy! We don’t care!

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